Arc of Genesee Orleans: Celebrating the Past, Embracing the Future

GenOrleans-Logo-170320Executive Director Donna Saskowski sent along a new logo, new mission and vision statements and a list of values of the newly merged Arc’s of Genesee and Orleans counties. And they’ve got a new name: Arc of Genesee Orleans.  What better time than during Developmental Disabilities Awareness month to bring our attention to the merger and to the rich history of Arc programs and services in Orleans and Genesee counties. The Arc is part of a long and wide legacy. Across the country, Arc’s celebrate its pioneering families who first gathered in 1948 to be the first to reverse the oppressive attitudes, policies and environment that individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities lived under. Today, the Arc of Genesee Orleans joins a host of Arc’s throughout the country that promote and practice inclusionary approaches, person centered planning and high quality supports. Check out the Arc of Genesee Orleans’ new motivational framework –

  • MISSION – Be a partner for people with disabilities, and a gateway to opportunities for each person to experience their desired potential.
  • VISION – Life-long relationships, enriched by inclusion.
  • VALUES – Diversity, Respect, Integrity, Visionary, Equality, Empowerment, Excellence (DRIVE³)

The two year merging process has invigorated their work.  Now more than ever, the Arc of Genesee Orleans is focused on the best approaches in partnering with the individuals they support and opening up a host of opportunities for the more than 1,200 individuals with developmental or other intellectual disabilities and their families residing in and around Genesee and Orleans counties in upstate New York.  We are rooting for everyone at the Arc of Genesee Orleans in 2017 and beyond!

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